In October 2009 I really felt like we needed to dig a water well. I wanted our family to make a big contribution and then think of a cool way to raise the rest of the money. Early this year I realized that my birthday would be 10.10.10 and it seemed like the perfect reason to throw a party and make it a water well fundrasier. We had people fly in for the event – my mom and Randy & Jessica Peterman. They were a great help to get everything ready for the party and start the celebration. Roger and Paula handled the cooking of the food. Then Tim and Emily Bates agreed to host the party at their home because they have a lot more space than we do. Thanks to everyone who helped with the party! You guys are awesome.
The weather was perfect and we had 68 people show up for the event. Then MANY other people mailed checks (which are still coming in) because they wanted to be a part of the event even though they couldn’t make it to the party.

It was so fun to have all the kids there too taking part in the event. Several of the elementary aged kids had questions for me since their parents had told them why we were having the party and what I was trying to accomplish. They asked such good questions and we had a good talk about kids around the world who have to go fetch water each and every day. That they can’t go to school because they are busy getting water to help their moms. This was my favorite part of the night.
Here is Nadia with her best friend Reagan.
Now for the most exciting part! It takes $2600 to dig one water well that will give water to about 150 people a day, plus their livestock and irrigation. I am thrilled at the tangible difference we are going to make in the lives of so many!
The final total was $5200!!!!! Enough for 2 water wells. WOO HOO!! I am so thankful for the generosity of our family and friends. Checks are still coming and I am still taking donations if anyone reading is interested. We are more than halfway to another well and I would like to see how close we can get. I plan on sending the money to World Vision in about 10 days, so that everyone has time to get them to me.
Thanks to everyone who poured out their love for those in need. You are a blessing to me.