Helping Haiti

I am sure many of you are as heartbroken over what has occurred in Haiti and the overwhelming loss of life as we are. If you haven’t given and you want to I encourage you to donate with World Vision. They have nearly 400 staff on the ground working already to get aid to the people. WV has been working in Haiti for 30 years and is the world’s largest Non Governmental Organization (NGO) I was on a conference call last night and heard that all of the Area Development Projects that they work in are safe and the children are safe because they are in the rural area.

It’s estimated that 1/3 of the populalation needs aid. And so many have died that it’s horrifying, but those who have survived need water, food and basic medical supplies.

If you want to give call 1-800-777-5777 or go to

You can make a difference!