Last weekend we were supposed to go to Sea World, but those plans fell through and so we decided on Thursday to drive to Bryan and surprise Tahni at her art show opening. We found a cute hotel called The La Salle close to the gallery and an added bonus is that it’s a Historical Hotel of America. It was all done up like the 20’s and 30’s (well except for the Starbucks).
We walked into Art 979 at about 6:30 and it’s an understatement to say that we surprised Tahni. She was absolutely not expecting us and so our plan was a great success. Her stuff looked great hanging on the wall. We ate dinner at the cafe in the Gallery and it was wonderful. They bake their own bread and almost everything else is locally grown/organic. Tahni sold 2 pieces of artwork that night and I was so happy for her.
The next morning we hung out with Tahni and checked out the area around the hotel. Across the street is the oldest Carnegie Funded Library in Texas. So cool!
This sculpture was out front and Nadia really liked. She said, “Read a book!”
This was in front of the La Salle.
For lunch we all went to the Hullaballo Diner which I saw on “Diners, Drive In’s and Dives” on the Food Network. It was my second visit with Tahni and I just had to bring Mike back. The food was WONDERFUL. You should go there – really. And get the wet fries…. you’ll thank me.
After dropping Tahni off we headed back up the road towards home and after about 110 miles we were all ready to stop so I suggested that we stop at the Outlet Mall. Turns out they were having a Cinco De Mayo celebration that wasn’t very busy (I blame swine flu media hype) and so we stayed for a couple of hours shopping and letting Nadia play. We saw a Mariachi Band and asked them to play “De Colores” (the Spanish song from this semesters music class). Nadia realized what the song was right away and she wanted them to sing it again! We went in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse bounce house and had a fun train ride.
Here we are saying, “Choo choo!!”
Then we headed for home. It was a really fun overnight trip! I love my family.