I am so thankful for my life! Mike often says, “You have the life!” when he is watching me with Nadia. I always say, “I know and THANKS!!” But teasing aside, it’s true. I am so grateful that I get to stay home with Nadia and teach her about the world. Mike working his job allows me to work for the church part time and volunteer for World Vision to help children here and abroad. So on that note, here are some shots from this week:
Nadia got some super cute pink Cowgirl boots from Alyssa. Alyssa’s parents were our secret pals during the wait and I think of them often when Nadia uses the gifts they sent for her. Both girls are stinkin’ cute!
Nadia and I went to the zoo Monday morning because they opened early to members and it was great. They had free doughnuts and bottled water near the entrance and special talks with the penguin and kangaroo keepers. I learned that penguins loose all the feathers at one time. They basically blow up like a balloon and then they all fall off at once. We were looking at the flamingos when this dude walked right up to the edge and started ‘talking’ to us. I could have touched him and Nadia thought it was awesome and talked back to him. Way cute!
Carousel rides were free all day and so we went for a ride. The Fredricks from church were in line behind us and every time we went around they would wave and say Hi to Nadia. She kept saying “more, more” and laughing at them.

The kangaroos were jumping more than I have ever seen and Nadia was bouncing around going “hop, hop!”
And right before we left I swung by the cheetah area on the off chance I could see him. So the 10th time is a charm! Finally after all the years of visiting the zoo I got to see him!
One day we went to story time at the library with some friends from church and then had lunch with Shawna and Jimmy which was nice. We also shopped for trees with Mike and here are a couple shots from that.
And last of all SUPER NADIA returned! And that’s why I am thankful today for my life.