I am Thankful:
- For Nadia’s imagination and memory. These 2 things lead to constant laughing in our house.
- For the new Child Ambassador’s that have just joined in Texas and their passion to help children around the world.
- For KIDS HOPE USA and our 2nd year. I can’t believe we are entering our last 4 weeks for this school year.
- For the faithfulness of my mentors, subs and prayer partners. It means the world to me that you care so much for the kids.
- For playdates with friends. I am really glad that I am getting to know some of the women at my church better.
- For the library. You can renew online and have books sent to your branch without getting off the couch. That’s how I like to see my tax dollars at work 🙂
- For the fact that I DIDN’T break my toe last weekend. It looks ugly with the bruise, but at least I can walk with minimal pain.
- For my CROCS being so roomy that they don’t hurt my swollen toe.
- For cookies. No joke, I haven’t said it in a while.