- For friends. My life is made richer by the people that touch my life.
- For getting to spend my days with Nadia. It’s so fun to be a mom and watch all the entertaining things she does. The photo above shows how entertaining the wipes suddenly were today 🙂
- For Nadia taking more steps each day. When she is distracted she really gets going. But if you try to get her to walk she just sits down. It’s cute.
- For my friends in China now who will be coming home in the next few days (Terri and Maureen). And for people who left this week who will see their babies face this weekend (CTG). Have fun!!!
- For how fast Nadia’s hair is growing in and how cute it looks going 12 different directions in the morning.
- For a dear friends mom finding out that her cancer was removed and she doesn’t have to have chemotherapy.
- For Good Eats – don’t laugh…it’s an awesome cooking show with good recipes AND learning.