o For Nadia and her cute little self turning into a crawling speed racer.
o For Jeanette keeping Nadia so that I could mentor. (It was Nadia’s first time to be babysat and she did great)
o For the people of my church who continue to volunteer for the KIDS HOPE USA program this year. It’s AWESOME!
o For the staff at the school being so excited that we are coming back to continue the KIDS HOPE program.
o For the little guy that I mentor. We got to catch up yesterday and I am so grateful to be a part of his life.
o For the new Child Ambassadors in Texas that I was able to chat with this weekend. I am so glad that you have become part of the team and for your willingness to care for children around the world.
o For my sister Michelle who turns 23 this Saturday. I LOVE YOU!!!!!
o For copy machines and white out.
o For having enough time to get the KIDS HOPE program up and still play constantly with Nadia.
o For Terri and Pamela ordering from Lil Sugarplum and mentioning me.
o For baby monitors. Great invention for 2 story houses 🙂
These are the last of the shots from Mike’s camera from Labor Day. She is just so cute I had to keep uploading!!!