I know I have missed the TT post for weeks so here is a quick catch up – I am sure this list could be 100 times longer.
- For friends who come to visit
- For the rain this week – we have missed it
- For new babies that have joined friends in the last couple of weeks
- For all the food we have to eat
- For clean drinking water
- For the chance to volunteer once again for World Vision
- For the success of VBS
- For friends who babysit so Mike and I can go to the movies
- For the funny stuff Nadia and Amelie say everyday
- For Mike’s job
- For our church and the people in it
- For KIDS HOPE – year 7 is about to start!!
- For all my KIDS HOPE volunteers – I couldn’t do it without them
- For being able to do 35 REAL push-ups