“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”
Proverbs 13:12
I came across this verse on another woman’s blog and I know I have read it before, but it really touched me yesterday when thinking about Nadia. The wait extended so much longer than we ever would have thought. And there were many times during that wait that my heart hurt so much that I thought I couldn’t stand it…hurt for a child I had never even seen. Hurt for a child as I wondered where she was and when she was born. Hurt that she was going to be in an orphanage until we arrived in China on Gotcha Day.
Now we have the perfect child for our family and every day is a blessing and I could just watch her all day. She is so inquisitive and curious about the world around her. Being parents is such a change of life, but it’s so wonderful….we just can’t get enough of her. In many ways the wait has melted away, but the fact of the matter is that we would have waited even longer for Nadia….she is the child that God meant for us.
o For the KIDS HOPE USA training last night and the people in my church willing to reach out to hurting children.
o For the 22 mentors going to the school EVERY WEEK this year!
o For my Super Subs who will be available to meet with the children if their regular mentor can’t make it.
o For Marla laying down the Texas gauntlet to all the Child Ambassadors nationwide to each get 2 more children sponsored by the end of September.
o For the child I already got sponsored in that challenge.
o For the photos we got of our sponsored child from Peru with his Texas t-shirts that another Child Ambassador took for us.
o For my friend Terri and all the other waiting families who got to see the faces of their sweet babies for the first time on Tuesday.
o For the other families that we have gotten to know who are in China now or are leaving this week – enjoy the adventure.
P.S. The photos in the album above were all taken by Mike 🙂