The Beach Oct 2015

At the beginning of October we made a trip to the beach. We decided to try South Padre Island this year and rented a place on AirBnB that worked out great. It was a condo and they also had a pool which worked out great for us because sadly when we arrived we found out that “Red Tide” was happening on the Gulf. What is Red Tide? “Harmful algal blooms, or HABs, occur when colonies of algae—simple plants that live in the sea and freshwater—grow out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds.” The toxins get in the lungs of the fish and other animals and they suffocate. They cleaned the beach each morning to get rid of the dead fish, but as the day passed more and more dead animals would float up. Then when it was really bad the toxins would float up and we would breath them in a cough and cough and cough. It was horrible. And stinky. And there is no warning for Red Tide, so we didn’t know. It was the great science lesson of the trip, but here are some photos of the times we did get out to the beach at the beginning.

Thankful Thursday

  • I am so thankful for our church and all the friends we have there.
  • For the plant our church did last month that has been doing great and already moved to a bigger location.
  • For those of us who stayed back at the original church and for all the new members and visitors we have had.
  • For these two groups of people and their desire to reach out in love to the people of our community.

High Green Belt Test

Nadia tested for her High Green Belt on September 26, 2015. We are so proud of the hard work that she puts in every week for taekwondo. She wants to be the best and it is all her own motivation.

Nadia and Master Valdez