We started December out with a bang! On the first Saturday of the month Nadia had a taekwondo tournament early in the morning. She was excited to compete in her 3rd tournament and ended up being the lowest belt competing from her school which is good for her because it makes her more determined.

The Excel group before the competition started.

Dani and Amelie keeping busy while waiting around for Nadia to compete.

This is Nadia and Lyric after they competed. Nadia was 3rd in Kata (forms) and 2nd in sparring. Lyric took 1st in both and Nadia was so excited for both of them. Look at that smile!

Later in the afternoon we headed for Texas Scottish Rite Hands Down Support group Christmas party. They had toys and snacks for all the kids and a local theater group did a holiday performance with singing and dancing. The girls got a big kick out of that. They played on the playground with some of the kids from the party afterwards.

Cute tree and photo we took for their cousin Gwen.

They humored me for this photo.

The girls had a lot of fun playing and wore themselves out. I am thankful for these big group events so that Amelie can see and play with kids like her.