On Christmas Eve Nadia asked if we could wake up early for Christmas. I said, “Sure, what time?” She said, “How about 8? I will set my alarm and wake everyone up.” That made smile and think about our homeschool perks. But when she went to tell Amelie is was time to get up, Amelie popped up so fast she hit her face on her bunk bed and started a massive nose bleed! I didn’t see it because Mike took care of it, but he said it was a lot! Later I found tons of bloody tissues in the upstairs bathrooms and Nadia told me she had tried to help Amelie before they came to get us. Once that was taken care of there was lots of excitement with the present opening.

Amazing presents from our neighbors. Bladebuilders and interactive Yoda.

After all the presents were opened I made homemade waffles for breakfast.

Then while I got to work on lunch the girls headed out for a Nerf war because it was almost 80 degrees!

Grandma Linda came over for lunch.

After taking Grandma back to the nursing home we went to visit with Grammie.

This was Nadia’s gift to me <3