Amelie’s 5th Gotcha Day

Amelie wanted this Hello Kitty School bus so bad for Christmas, but saved it for her Gotcha Day gift. It was cute to see how excited she was.

We went to church in the morning so I asked my friend Kara to snap a photo.

Amelie wanted to go to a Korean restaurant called Namoo for her Gotcha Day dinner, but we didn’t know they were closed on Sunday. She she asked for Cotton Patch and we headed over for tasty food.

After Cotton Patch we went for frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog. Happy Gotcha Day Amelie – we love you!

Thankful Thursday

  • For all the amazing food choices we have in America.
  • For the beautiful weather this week.
  • For friends who come teach a lesson for your homeschool.

School House Rock Jr. LIVE

At Christmas we were given a gift from one of my grandmas to have family fun. The girls love watching our School House Rock DVD and when I saw that it was going to be a live show at Casa Manana we made plans to take them. They were so surprised and excited when we drove up and they saw the signs. The family photo makes it look like we were alone, but we just got there early because it was opening night and the Stock Show was going on in the same area and parking was going to be iffy.

This was Amelie’s favorite actress of the night. This really confirmed that Amelie wants to be on the stage and should try some acting since she already likes singing and dancing.

This guy was Nadia’s favorite and Dani just wanted to meet everyone. After the show we all went to La Playa Maya for dinner and had a great time. I hope we can do something like this again soon.