Panther City March 2016

Waiting for Nadia’s turn.

Nadia had her first tournament of the year on March 12, 2016. It was the Panther City tournament in Fort Worth and she was so excited that Papa and Grandma Brooke were in town and could come see her! She was psyched and ready to go! There were no other girls in her division (her buds Lyric and Maddie have already moved up to advanced), so it was her against 12 boys, but she showed no fear!

Playing with Grandma while waiting for Nadia’s turn.

With Papa and Grandma after winning 1st in forms.

Nadia won her first fight in sparring and then lost her second fight against the kid who ended up winning 2nd place. She was so proud of her hard work! She is already working hard to prep for the Texas X in April where 1st prize winners get a sword!

Dani’s Gotcha Day fun

Dani was very excited about her Gotcha Day gift of Sophia the First toys. We had co-op and Bible Study in the morning then came home for Dani to get a nap. That night she picked Rosa’s for tacos and Sweet Frog for frozen yogurt.

Dani likes to watch the tortilla machine.

Fun frozen yogurt creation Mike made and then shared all the cookies with us.