Dani’s Birthday Party

We invited friends to join us to ride the Forest Park Mini Train for Dani’s 4th birthday. It was pretty cold out with the wind blowing, but it didn’t rain until after the party, which made us all happy.

Dani kept giggling and yelling, “Mini TRAIN!”

After the train ride we had cake and Dani opened presents. Thanks to everyone who joined us!

Thankful Thursday

  • For homeschooling. I love having the girls with us and that we can tailor everything to their specific needs.
  • For our co-op which just ended for the year. It’s so good for the girls and I to see our friends each week.

End of March 2016

I was hired to make these adorable 2 bite apple pie for Pi day. They turned out so cute. And we were forced to eat the ones that weren’t good enough to package 😉

Our patio chairs broke over the winter so we picked up new ones at Target. The girls then tried to eat as many meals as possible outside and the weather was perfect for it.

Human body made by Nadia.

Dinner with friends and lots of kids!

Tornado warning sirens after bedtime.