Thankful Thursday

  • For the rain making everything green and the flowers grow.
  • For the amazing 1st year of Museum School that Dani had.
  • For the wonderful elliptical we got from the church garage sale.


Museum Day

In April the museum had special Earth Week activities so when we dropped Dani off we used our membership and went in. The big girls had a fun time trying the experiments. Upstairs we also went through the IBM THINK exhibit.

My happy surprise of the day was running into Vanessa!


Thankful Thursday

  • For the good time we had with my Grammie this week. We took her for ice cream at Braums.

Grammie and Nadia doing the “Taekwondo Nadia face” which was so fun.

Texas X – April 2016

This was Master Valdez’s 20th Texas X and Nadia was so excited because the top prize was a samurai sword. Nadia practiced and practiced and practiced because she was determined to win. She amazes us with her dedication to her sport.

Photobombed after sparring.

First place in Kata and 2nd place is sparring! Great job Nadia!