As our regular readers know we love Unit Studies around here. After the Tiger unit Nadia wanted to Dolphins and I was excited about that. She has often heard me tell the story of when my friend Jessica and I swam with dolphins in Cancun, Mexico. This study came from Amanda Bennett’s site.
Nadia did more of the reading and writing on this study than the past since her skills are getting stronger each day. She had a lot of fun matching up the definitions to the words and to make it harder there were way more words to choose from than we used.
It would be an understatement to say the girls LOVED all the Dolphin videos we watched during this unit. Nadia declared the dolphin stampede her favorite.
We learned so many cool things about dolphins in this unit. One of the suggested books was a real life story of a man who saved a baby dolphin who had a hook stuck in it. While he was under water with the baby, the mother and father dolphin fought off a shark to protect the man and baby. Once I started reading Nadia begged me to finish the entire book in one night. She said, “It doesn’t matter how late I am up, I NEED to know how it ends.”
Once again this was a great unit with a lot of learning and fun. Next up we are planning on studying the Brain. When Nadia heard that a new unit was available she said, “Please buy it mom! I want to find out if there is water on my brain.”