Vacation Bible School this year was Space Themed and what an awesome job the entire church did to give the kids from our church and surrounding neighborhood a great week. Nadia was able to be in a regular class this year instead of being in the nursery while I volunteered. The women from our Mom’s group each took a day teaching them. I took Monday and spent the rest of the week doing the fundraising and mission moments for the children. I did everything from make runs to the store if we were out of stuff to getting all the kids photos matched up to the homemade frames they decorated.
Each day a different astronaut came in to tell the children the Bible story. One of the kids mentioned Buzz Lightyear and he said, “I know Buzz, I have met him and I am a better astronaut.” Nadia turned to me and said, “I am not having ANY of that!”
Nadia with friends and silly smiles.
Nadia was going “beep beep beep” (The people in our church are so talented to paint all of this stuff!)
Today when I went to visit Nadia’s class the kids swarmed me to show the snap bracelets they had made. They are so sweet. So I had them pose for a photo.
Making the Garden of Eden and talking about how Adam and Eve were disobedient.
Pillowcases for crafts one day.
This is the little boy I have mentored for 4 years through KIDS HOPE.
The 3 year old trying to escape. It was a long week for those little guys.
What a BLAST we had this week! (pun intended)