Many of you who read this blog also frequent www.chinaadopttalk.com. Today Nadia and I met up with some fellow adoptive moms from that website and their daughters at the Fort Worth Zoo. It was so fun to meet some people who have adoptive daughters and who went through the roller coaster that is China adoption like we did. For me it was also interesting because you find that everyone comes from such a different background and you never would have met them if you hadn’t adopted. We should have got a group shot with the moms too at the beginning before the girls got too tired, but I didn’t think of it.
I had a great time today and I am so glad that we were able to meet up with these ladies and meet their wonderful daughters. All 4 girls are from Jiangxi province too. By the way, the dress Nadia is wearing we got in Beijing when Kiki and went haggling at the Silk Market. It’s the first time we put her in it. Hi Kiki!
The zoo was jam packed today. From the time I exited University (forgot to take Forest Park – never will again though!) to the time I met them at the gate it was 40 minutes. A woman at the zoo told me that there was 61 bus loads of kids dropped off today and I believe it!! I have never seen so many people at the zoo, but we were still able to get around. I was so grateful that we had a membership so I didn’t have to stand in line for tickets!
The penguins were just being fed when we walked in, so that was cool. Nadia got to see them swim this time. Last time we went they were all huddled up in the corner and scared. Nadia liked the Elephants best this time. She got really excited when one of them started walking towards us. Then when it walked out of sight she practically tried to crawl up me to get a better view. We all had lunch together and then headed home because the girls were so tired! Nadia was asleep before we got to the freeway.