We spent a lot of time on the visit from Michelle and Jared just relaxing, talking, eating and they played a lot with the girls. Jared thought the girls would enjoy Mario Kart, so they sent the game and steering wheels to the house in advance so they could give it to the girls. So of course Jared played with them and Nadia loved it!
We introduced them to Hard Eight for lunch one day. It was a little chilly waiting in the outside line so the girls snuggled up (I know the backlighting is bad, but I still think the photo is cute).
We also took them to Twisted Root because I have been wanting to try it too. YUM! They make their own Root Beer and have all kinds of varieties of meat. YUM again!
We also went to Grapevine Mills so they could do a little shopping. Mike and I took the girls to ride the carousel while M&J shopped. It’s a fun one because it goes fast.
Crafting of course!
We were so blessed by Michelle and Jared spending their vacation time with us. The highlight of the week was Jared’s proposal including us. We love you both very much and come back to Texas any time!!!