At the beginning of May I thought we should try to do as many fun outside things as possible. Once the surgery happened we knew it would be harder to get around and we couldn’t have Dani out in the body cast getting overheated. We planned to go to the zoo, but when we drove up the main parking lot was already full and they were directing cars to the gravel lot on the other side of the street. We drove in and realized we had never had to park so far away and that the zoo was just going to be too crowded to be comfortable. So we decided we would go ride the Forest Park Mini Train since Dani had never been on it.
We had about 15 minutes to wait for the next train ride, so the girls wandered around the waiting area playing and picking up rocks. Once the train pulled in and the other riders got off we snagged the last car, which was fun for the big girls. At the halfway point the train stops inside Trinity Park to pick up new riders and for people to buy snacks. Mike grabbed popcorn and bottled water and we were ready to go. Dani went after her box with her typical gusto!
Once the ride was over we decided we would check out the Clearfork Food Truck park off University. The food was delicious, but surprisingly expensive for food trucks. Once we finished eating the girls had a good time playing in the seating area.
It was a really nice day and then we headed home for the girls to get a nap. I also told the girls that we would get to the zoo before Dani’s surgery so we could see the GIGANTABUGS and they were really excited.