Nadia knew that Tahni and Joseph were coming to visit and as it got closer she would say, “When is the FUN going to get here? or How long until the FUN?” She was so excited that we decided to let her stay up late and wait for them and their friends Cody and Andrew to arrive.

Look how happy Nadia is that Uncle Joseph sat right down to play with her.
This visit was different that most since Tahni and Joseph were going to a wedding in College Station, Tahni was doing a photo shoot and then they were coming back to town. So they stayed with us on Thursday night and Sunday night. On Sunday Tahni spent time with us while Joseph and the other guys went to the Cowboys game with party passes. When they got back Tahni and Joseph gave Nadia her birthday present. OH MY! They gave her 3 of the Imaginext Batman villains and she was so excited.
This photo makes me smile because Tahni looks caught off guard by Nadia’s excitement.
We let Nadia stay up and play a while longer and the next morning she was wide awake just WAITING for Joseph to come down the stairs and play with the Batcave.
This photo is great because the adults are playing with the Batcave, coffee cups abound, Andrew is on the couch with Amelie (she got him to read her many books) and Nadia is prepping the Batmobile for some adventure on the ottoman.
Then Joseph and Nadia had a lightsaber battle. (Joseph is wearing Mike’s jedi robe)
Then it was time for them to head back to the airport. I am trying really hard in this photo not to cry since they live so far away now.
We love you Tahni and Joseph and enjoyed meeting Cody and Andrew!