This year we decided to try MainStay Farms for their homeschool day. Nadia was telling Amelie over and over how much fun she was going to have at the Pumpkin Patch. I was preparing myself for Amelie to say “unkin” about 2072 times. Turns out she only said it about 29 🙂 We saw quite a few people that we knew since it was homeschool day, but I was surprise to meet some friends I had only known online and one friend from an old church. We started out by watching a video about how pumpkins are grown in Texas. Nadia thought this was awesome! She said it was “like school” and asked me to remember the stuff for when we learn about pumpkins in our autumn unit.
Here we are with our friends Tricia, Elliott and Jude. Nadia and Elliott love to play together and they have many imaginative adventures.
This is a friend Gina that I hadn’t seen in years.
The farm had a thing called a Jump Pillow that both girls loved!
They had a pretty cool play area with mazes and treehouses that was fun for kids of all ages.
Amelie and Jude. (Amelie is wishing I would let her climb to the top of the play area like Elliott)
Nadia and Elliott.
The girls had a wonderful time and really wore themselves out! Part of admission was getting a pumpkin to bring home which Nadia loved. She said her favorite parts of the day were: 1) the jump pillow and 2) the tractor ride. Amelie napped for 3.5 hours once we were home!