Tonight we attended the “Party on the Patio” to support the Child Study Center in Fort Worth. My uncle Roger is director of development for them and they do a wide variety of things to help children in Fort Worth. In addition to all the other services they provide to local children, they have an international adoption clinic. I am glad it’s there, but blessed that we haven’t needed their services because Nadia is doing so well. But I love that the option is there for adoptive families.
Their website is http://www.cscfw.org/
Tonight was their big fundraiser at Joe T. Garcia’s Mexican restaurant and Roger asked us to bring Nadia with us to be the “model” for the hand-made rocking horse. The horse was painted by the children at the C.S.C. school. We saw it last week at and thought it was the cutest thing. They had a bunch for really cool things for the silent auction and live auction. Nadia was the only child at the event and of course looked cute and got lots of attention. Which led to her giving people the “stare down” while she studied the situation. HA HA! I was glad to see how well they did at their fundraiser and it was a nice night out with the cuteness.