Several weeks ago we had a visit from Papa and Grandma. They came to play and stayed with Nadia and Amelie while Mike and I headed out for our first dinner alone since Amelie joined our family. We had a great time and even sat on the same side of the booth instead of having to tag team the girls. The food was delicious and our time peaceful.
The girls on the other hand decided to do their best to wear out Papa and Grandma! They played games, went outside to blow bubbles and use sidewalk chalk. Papa ran to Mc D’s for happy meals (and they got to observe the eating machine Amelie is). They took the girls out for Nadia to drive the Buzz car they gave her for Christmas. What an adventure!! Everyone had a blast and Nadia was immediately asking when they were coming back to visit.
Coloring with Papa.
The finished product.
The next morning we had waffles to keep with our tradition. It was a really fun time! Thanks Papa and Grandma Brooke! We love you!