One more Christmas post

Family Christmas 2007
Family Christmas 2007 (click to see album)

With all the crazy activity of the holidays I didn’t get to do a post about our Christmas time with Mike’s family. Chris and Dee hosted the event a couple days before Christmas and a good time was had by all. Especially Nadia who grabbed a drink left on the coffee table and promptly dumped it all over herself. I give the girl credit for knowing how you are supposed to use a cup, but she had a shocked look on her face once she was wearing the beverage.

As usual we did the gift exchange and there was plenty of wheeling and dealing between family members. We ended up with a Target gift card and some totally COOL travel mugs. They are stainless steel and say that if sealed they keep drinks warm for 12 hours and cold for 4 and they have these really nifty lids (yes, I used the word nifty). The event wouldn’t be the same without the family members working together to get what they want.

It was the first chance many of Mike’s side of the family had to see Nadia, so that was really fun. Joy’s kids came in from out of town and it was nice to spend some time with them over at her place. We were getting really loud and laughing a lot and Nadia probably thought we had all gone crazy. But she was mostly just interested in the toys that Janis kept bringing out 🙂 It was really great to see so many people this holiday.

Baker Family Christmas Baker Family Christmas Baker Family Christmas Baker Family Christmas

Baker Family Christmas

Janis and Nadia Kylie and Nadia

Jeanna and Nadia