Last month my mom (aka Nonnie) came for a visit and we had so much fun. It was great for her to get to know Amelie in person and they bonded over food. We picked Nonnie up at the airport and headed for Chick Fil A for dinner. Once we got home her and the girls just had a lot of fun playing before bedtime. The next morning we woke up and Nadia demonstrated her reading to Nonnie and then they headed outside to play.
Later that afternoon we headed to Nadia’s buddy Jurnee’s 6th birthday party.
Look at these adorable dresses from Nonnie and Grandpa Brian. The girls wore them to Pappasitos for dinner Saturday night.
Sunday morning was craft time which is always fun.
After a shopping run to Target and Fuzzy’s for lunch we took Nonnie to the airport. Thanks for coming Mom and we will see you soon!