Hi all! Nadia was baptized in our church on Sunday September 23rd. There were so many great photos from the weekend that I uploaded a bunch. My cousin Jen and her roommate Shawnaka drove up from Houston for the event (and they attended a Ranger game). My Aunt Paula, Uncle Roger, Grammie and Mike’s Aunt Joy and cousin Janis also attended. Our friends Arvel and Laura came, but left before we took photos. Thanks to everyone who came to share her special day. Grammie bought her dress that Mike and I picked out and Roger and Joy matched without knowing it. 🙂
Here we are with Pastor Darwin Jordan after the baptism.
The night before Karen and Kaye hosted the ‘Sip N See’ for Nadia at the McCarty’s house. Many people from our church came to the party and they did the sweetest thing. Kaye and Karen gave everyone a slip of paper with a letter of the alphabet on it (some people got 2). Then they had to write down a prayer or a Bible verse that started with the letter they were handed. Then once everyone was done, they went around the room and read them to us. It really was the sweetest thing. My friend Jaquelyn had ‘Z’ and she started her prayer with ‘He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end’ I was already a little choked up from the sweet things that were said, but that was a fantastic way to end the list. God is good and he brought sweet Nadia into our life. Then Kaye put the book together for us in alphabetical order and gave it to us to bring home and save for Nadia. Thanks to everyone who was a part of that….we were truly blessed by your love.
Here are some photos of Nadia playing with cousin Jen.
Jen took these photos in the car on the way home from the church. Nadia was one tired baby after all that excitement.