Click on the photo above for the whole slideshow, but I warn you now that I was a bit indecisive and uploaded a bunch of the playing shots from this afternoon because Nadia is so darn cute.
Happy Mother’s Day to all my fellow moms – especially my buddies who are celebrating their 1st like me. Being a mom is a wonderful blessing and having Nadia is just awesome! She is so full of personality and just so sweet that she makes our days so fun. Friday night we went to PF Chang’s and it was delicious! As an ex-server I didn’t want to go out today and add to the stress for the wait-staff, plus fight all the crowds. So we had a peaceful meal and Nadia attracted lots of attention from the staff – which is usually what happens 🙂
This shot is of Nadia and I before church this morning. After church we grabbed some fast food and headed home. Mike got the new web cam set up so I can talk to Michelle and Tahni while they are off studying in foreign countries this summer. And so I can talk to Kiki in China and brush up on my Chinese. Yeah!! I think we are just going to relax the rest of the afternoon (and I am going to eat cookies!)
This evening we went out to play with the bubble machine and bubble gun and Mike captured some great shots. Here are a few.
Once again – Happy Mother’s Day to all!