Each year we drive through Interlochen which is a local neighborhood known for their Christmas lights. This year it wasn’t as decorated as usual and we noticed lots and lots of for sale signs in front of houses. This is the house all 4 of us liked the best this year.
We also went to Prairie Lights and the displays were all new which was fun. This year there was a Groupon for the drive through, walk through and little musical of Christmas songs. Amelie thought that was the best part and kept asking me how she could “dance and sing in front of all those people?” At the end they made it “snow” with soap bubbles and the girls really had fun with it. It was dim in there, but I still think the photo are cute.
This one made me laugh and I title it “X Files Snowman”
Back at the beginning of the year we won tickets to a show at the Greater Cleburne Carnegie Players. The prize pack included dinner at Cotton Patch and concessions so we planned to wait for their Christmas show to make the 50 mile drive down south. We had a lot of fun at dinner and then saw “The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever” based on the book by Barbara Robinson. Amelie was once again thrilled to see people performing on stage and she has told me many, many times since then that she wants to be on stage. Both girls enjoyed the show and laughed a lot, but by the end they were really tired and ready to be home after such a late night.
This was a “Hey Mom, come look!” photo.
Amelie pretty much wore this hat for 3 days straight and did everything from eat meals to schoolwork with it on.