My cousin Jen drove up from Houston to visit this weekend and we had such a nice time. Lots of good food was consumed and Nadia had fun with a new playmate. Jen brought Nadia a leap frog guitar and then immediately had a “jam session”. Nadia also displayed her awesome drum skills for Jen – if you think the videos are cute, you should see it in person.
On Sunday night we went to the going away party for our friends the Carman’s. They are headed to Little Rock for a new job and we will miss them greatly, but pray for God’s blessing on their move and family. All the kids had a great time playing while the adults enjoyed a bunch of tasty desserts. I made a Curious George cake in honor of Clarity since her favorite animal is the monkey.
On Monday we went to lunch with some friends. Mary, Lina, Laura and I have gone on a couple of girls trips in the past (pre-babies) and Mary was visiting Texas for a week. I was happy to see Mary after such a long time and lunch was yummy at the Cheesecake Factory.
When I was making lunch one afternoon Nadia grabbed the pot holders and said, “I cook!! I cook!!”