I decided to take part in a project another blogger was doing called “I Saw Red”. The goal was to take photos of things that you saw over the course of the week of June 2-8th. The woman who organized the whole event placed a link to all the blogs on her site. Some bloggers posted everyday, but I chose to wait and do them as one post. Several times this week I wished I had my camera with me in the car, so if she decides to do it again, I am going to cart my camera around with me all week. So here goes:
Mike’s truck that he has had since he was 9 months old (the same age as Nadia when she came to us). Now Nadia plays with it.

Blocks and boots.
Sweet Nadia.
My Olympics cap from Beijing.
Elmo Easter basket and a wall at Mike’s office.
Cooking red sauce in red pots for a pasta dinner.
And last of all. My cool car – the Tomato Mobile.