This year we changed up our order of events and started at Paula and Roger’s house. Then we headed over to visit with Grammie which is always fun. She was ready for all the candy she could get after stopping at the first two places.
Once again went to the Hometown neighborhood to trick or treat. The photo above was taken at a house that really does it up each year. I think it’s several families that go in together. In past years they have done the Wizard of Oz and Pirates of the Caribbean. This year they did Peter Pan and it worked perfectly with our costumes. I love that this family was willing to take photos with anyone who came by. So fun! Dani was pretty excited about the candy, but she kept wanting to stop and eat it while we were trying to keep her moving. And quite often she wanted us to just get the candy for her, but we made her go right up with her sisters if she wanted it. She was so stubborn about it she ended up with less candy than the other two girls, but she didn’t know the difference in the end.
After we were trick or treated out we headed over to Bubba and Laura’s house for our end of Halloween tradition. We had a great time over there and I didn’t take a single photo because I was so busy talking and laughing.