Some friends and I started by doing a costume practice run on the lawn by the Kimball on Thursday. We had the whole place to ourselves and the weather was perfect. I call this, “The Monkey Who Wore Shades”

Then on Friday our friends Tricia and David hosted a toddler trick or treat party at their place. A street right by them is shut down and the police are around and people come from all over to trick or treat. The houses are done up and we just thought it was so much fun and were happy for the invite. Click on the photo below to see all the photos from the night.

Mike told Nadia to hold her bucket and say, “trick or treat” and people would give her candy. Here she is at one of the first houses.
After that she said, “AGAIN.” She caught on right away and wanted to go to more and more houses. A little later I saw some costumes a few houses behind us and said to Mike, “There is Thing 1 and thing 2” and Nadia immediately said, “Cat Hat, Cat Hat.” even though she couldn’t see the people I was talking about. Once they caught up to us I had to ask the family to pose with Nadia since she just wanted to follow them once she actually saw them. It’s just too cute!
After the trick or treating we headed to Grammie’s house and then to see Paula and Roger and their friends the Flemings. Nadia took in a haul of candy which I am going to help her eat 🙂