After getting her lizard “Wonder Colors” for her birthday I knew the next unit study for us to do would be “Goofy Gecko” which we bought from the Amanda Bennett site. Earlier in the week I did a separate post on our field trip to the zoo. Here is a break down of the days:
Day 1: What is a Gecko?
Day 2: Getting to know Geckos.
Day 3: Where are the Geckos?
Day 4: The Science of Geckos
Day 5: Cool things about Geckos
We learned so many cool facts about Geckos. The videos were really cute and both girls loved them. Each day featured a certain Gecko that we learned about in detail and then the child is supposed to draw them. Nadia was really creative and hers were really cute. My favorite of the 5 Geckos was the crested gecko. They are so cute and COOL! If you want to see a large variety, go to JB’s Cresties. A fun fact is that the Crested Gecko was thought to be extinct until they were re-discovered in 1994. Nadia’s favorite was the Web Footed Gecko.
We were able to get a lot of great books about Gecko’s and other reptiles at the library. And we found out that our Green Anole “Wonder Colors” is actually the smallest iguana in the world. Cool, huh?
Here is Nadia’s completed lapbook. What a fun study this was! Next up is a Unit Study on Valentine’s Day!