GIGANTABUGS! at the Fort Worth Zoo

The Fort Worth Zoo has a special display going on until July 6th called GIGANTABUGS! The girls were excited from the first second they saw a billboard and asked, “When are we going to see THAT?” We went once right before Dani had surgery, but didn’t have time to see all of the bugs. We went the week after Dani had surgery because a cold front came in and it was a good reason to get her out of the house since she was so miserable. So this post is a combination of our two visits and our search for all the bugs. The Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula shown above was 709 times its normal size, which gives you an idea of the rest of the bugs. All of the bugs had sound, animatronics or both.

The Stag Beetle
The Stag Beetle
Black Ants
Black Ants
Seven-Spotted Lady Beetle
Seven-Spotted Lady Beetle
Red-Tailed Bumble Bee
Red-Tailed Bumble Bee
Bombardier Beetle
Bombardier Beetle

The Bombardier Beetle “spit” it’s venom out and Nadia wanted to try and get hit by it. She was completely shocked when it hit her in the face because she wanted it to hit her body or legs.

Madagascan Sunset Moth
Madagascan Sunset Moth
Emperor Scorpion
Emperor Scorpion
Blue-Eyed Darner Dragonfly
Blue-Eyed Darner Dragonfly

Say's Firefly
Say's Firefly

Say’s Firefly. When you turned the crank, it made his bottom light up. This made us laugh.

Meadow Grasshopper
Meadow Grasshopper
Giant Devil's Flower Mantis
Giant Devil's Flower Mantis
Orb Weaver Spider
Orb Weaver Spider

We had a great time on both visits and the girls are hoping we can see it one more time before it leaves the zoo. I am not sure we can because it ends the day before Dani’s cast should come off, and it’s way too hot for her to be out and about in the cast.