Nadia makes the funniest faces while eating (what baby doesn’t?) and I decided to try and capture some. She is doing great with the solid food and we are working on the hand held pieces for her to grab and the sippy cup. She likes to play with the sippy cup more than use it, but she knows what it does. She just doesn’t care to do it. If I tip it up a little farther for her she drinks her water right up. The little wagon wheels are the stickiest things on the face of the earth, but she can pick them up and get them to her mouth easier than the fruit puffs. She just likes us to feed her the fruit puffs 🙂

Click on the photo above to see the whole set. Her HIPPO chair is the best thing because she is too tiny for the highchair. At every meal she kicks that left foot up at some point while she is being fed. I say, “Are you just chillin’?” The one below just made me want to kiss her!
Here she shoves the whole thing in her mouth to show off.
Now she goes for a taste of the sippy cup.