It’s become a tradition for our family celebration of Nadia’s birthday to be attending Boo at the Zoo. We knew that we were going to cause quite a sensation this year as the Santa family. Mike had a bag ready of treats to give to kids including mini Christmas erasers, mini candy canes and peppermints. The girls were excited about the whole thing because they are really in love with Daddy as Santa – which I find humorous since we don’t have Santa come to our house each year.
This cracked the girls up.
The animals were celebrating fall with wreaths and pumpkins.
The girls played games and collected toys and candy.
We met up with friends and decorated pumpkins.
We had fun with the clowns too. Everywhere we went we heard children yelling, “SANTA SANTA SANTA!!” Children ran up and hugged Mike’s leg and told him what they wanted for Christmas. It was really cute! A large number of adults also attempted to tell him that they had been nice all year too.
We had so much fun and by the end of the day we were ready to take the train back to the entrance.