Our tradition for Nadia’s family birthday celebration has been to visit Boo at the Zoo. This year they moved it to the daytime and had everything in one area which was really odd, but Nadia still had fun. They have treat stations for candy, carnival games and music. This year they also had a craft area where kids could make a bead necklace and draw on pumpkins.
We caused quite a sensation as The Cat in the Hat along with Thing 1 and Thing 2. Many people asked us to pose for a photo and quite a few more just took photos while we were walking around or stopped to play games. We had kids yelling out when they saw us and I waved at all of them and even high 5’d several older kids.
We also rode the train round trip with a stop in the middle for Nadia to ride the carousel. This was the first time she rode alone. Such a big girl!
They had a group of clowns out too and this guy made me smile. The sign on his walker says, “Old age ain’t no place for sissies” Awesome!