Aunt Tahni visits

Tahni Visits
Tahni Visits (click to see the album)

My sister Tahni came to visit last week. She was our first visitor when we got home from China at the beginning of August. What a change she saw in Nadia over the course of those months! I enjoyed our visit because I was alive and functioning rather than a jet lagged zombie. Hee hee. Here are a few photos and the sketch she did of Nadia is really awesome and I don’t think that my photo does it justice. It was our Christmas gift and I will always treasure it.

While she was here we ate great food, picked out new glasses for me (thanks T), visited with Grammie, Paula and Clay. We also watched Kevin James’ “Sweat the Small Stuff” and Bill Cosby’s “Himself” which in my opinion are 2 of the funniest stand up routines ever. I also added a few extra photos from this weekend and Nadia cuteness.

Gift From Tahni

Below is Nadia sharing an ice cream cone with Mommy. And our family lunch.

Ice Cream with Mama Lunch date

Nadia goes everywhere with a toy in each hand. So with this outfit I put a toy in each pocket and told her that she could now have 4 toys. She was not sure what to think of those pockets, so she walked around holding on to the toys IN the pockets. Cracked me up!!

Ooooo pockets

Bath time

Get this off!