Nadia was placed in our arms on July 22nd, 2007, so today has been 9 months since she became a part of our family. Our life has been changed in so many wonderful ways because she is a part of our lives. Her sweet smile just melts our hearts (and the hearts of lots of other people too) and her laugh is infectious. I can get her laughing hysterically which is the sweetest sound. God has given us the most wonderful gift in Nadia – we are truly privileged to have her as our daughter.
We took her for her first haircut with Lisa and she gave her an official certificate listing that Nadia is a “cool kid” after getting her first haircut. Lisa also saved me some clippings of Nadia’s hair to put in the scrapbook with the certificate. Mike had a haircut first and then Nadia sat on his lap. She started crying when Lisa tried to put the cape on her, so we just did the haircut without it. She also started to cry once during the cut, but I think it was because she just didn’t know what was going on. I think her bob turned out precious!