Today is 5 weeks that we have had Nadia. She is doing really well and has progressed so fast. When we got her she was physically along the lines of a 5 month old. In 5 short weeks she is on track with 10 month old babies (which she will be on Tuesday). She is crawling like a wild woman and can move really fast. Soon she is going to realize that there is more to explore downstairs than the area where her toys are. 🙂
She babbles and baby talks to us all the time and is doing really well taking solid food now that she got the hang of the spoon. She loves the Gerber Graduate puffs, but can’t quite figure out how to get them in her mouth herself. She tries to put her whole hand in her mouth, but it’s just going to be a matter of time before she gets the hang of it. Her little legs are getting thicker and she has developed quite a little baby belly. We take her for a check up on Tuesday and should see how much weight she has gained since the 3rd.
Nadia sleeps all night and gets up for a morning bottle. Then she goes back to sleep for 2-3 hours. During the day she takes another 2 naps that are about 1-2 hours long. She is like a little lion with all that sleep, but I am convinced that it’s because she is going 90 to nothing every waking moment. Her 2 little teeth are growing in and I expect we will see some on the top soon. Even when she is obviously teething, she doesn’t get very fussy.
We are adjusting to home life and getting into a routine which is nice. This weekend we took her to a dear friends 40th birthday party and Nadia got loved on so much! Rachel from church came with us as the babysitter. It was such a blessing to me that person after person came up to tell us how excited they were about her after praying for her for so long. It was really sweet and after she got over the shock of the crowd she let some people hold her and she was babbling along as the night progressed. Thanks again to everyone that prayed for her before we knew she was ours and for all those that have prayed for her adjustment to us. She is the perfect baby for us and her personality fits right in – as we said in China, “She’s home.”
P.S. Thanks to Michelle R. and Cyndi J. for mentioning me to Monique at Lil Sugarplum 🙂