These photos are from Nadia and Mike playing this morning! She was laughing like crazy and having a great time! She has gained half a pound in the last month, but stayed the same height. She is still trending up on the weight which is great, but she is just going to be our petite little girl. In Carter’s brand she is still wearing 9 month clothes, same for the Miniwear brand from Babies R Us. In Target, Children’s Place and Old Navy she is wearing 12 month stuff, but most of it is baggy around her middle 🙂
She continues to amaze us with how much she can understand and the tons of words she is trying to mimic now. Her favorite foods are still mac and cheese and yogurt. She also loves to snack on Cheerios, GoldFish and Honey Graham Sticks. She will eat veggies most any time they are offered and is still not a fan of the sweet stuff which is good. She climbed up on the ottoman last night and has tried several times this morning to get up on the couch. It’s a matter of time before she will be climbing on everything.
Here are a couple of cute stories. The other day we were at the mall and this kid went by us crying with their parent and Nadia was watching as always and she looked at him and went, “Ohhhhhh.” Like, ‘That’s too bad he’s crying.’ The other day she was on my lap and getting very wiggly so I said, “Can you play momma a song on the piano?” She got off the couch, walked over to her xylophone/piano, picked it up and put it on the ottoman and started to play away. She looked up to make sure I was watching and I clapped and danced along with her. When her concert was over, she put it back where she picked it up.
She loves to “clean” like us. When she sees me getting out a Clorox wipe now she points and makes noise to get one herself. I give her a paper towel instead and she will proceed to clean my legs, the floor, the carpet, her toys… get the idea. It’s so funny that she thinks she needs to be doing the same thing as me all the time. When I am folding clothes, she will go through the basket to get the dryer sheet out so that she can “clean” with it. Too cute!
The photos below are of Nadia will a couple of “hats” on. She won’t wear regular hats and one of my November buddies suggested it was because I wasn’t getting her the “right” kind of hat! So pillows and colanders are in, real hats still out!