Dani kept herself busy putting her socks on and taking them off.
The day started with the breakfast buffet of course. Then we came back up to the room to make sure we had everything we needed for the medical exam. Dani didn’t freak out when we got in the van, but she did scream in the elevator when so many people got on. We knew that she was going to flip out during the medicals because you go from room to room and she just likes things to stay the same. She was so hysterical that the doctors and nurses ended up laughing. She had a female doctor, but for you adoptive parents reading the blog, I did see the male doctor that seems to have done 10,000 medical checks over the years
“Don’t you people know I don’t want to be weighed and measured?”
Accepting some comfort from Mommy after some of the drama.
They move the kids from station to station to have each item checked. So she would freak out, calm down, freak out, calm down. Then in the middle of that Amelie didn’t like something Nadia said so she sucker punched her in the belly. Nadia moved to another seat and then Amelie started crying because “Nadia doesn’t want to sit by me any more!!!!!!!!!!!!” Oh mercy. After the medical clinic I had to go with the other parents to do paperwork to get ready for the consulate appointment. I grabbed lunch for us from the deli in the lobby and it was nap time.
After the nap the big girls did their sticker books and colored a lot. Dani went back to putting socks on and off. She grabbed Amelie’s at one point and had two socks on each foot.
To make things easier I ran over to McDonald’s to bring dinner back to the room. I started to put my shoe on and Dani flipped out and had a full on tantrum. Thrashing all over the floor and kicking the furniture. At that point I knew she was comfortable with us