My Panda and Spidey… oh how I love them.
After breakfast we went to Shamian Island, because it’s tradition and I wanted to look for some fingerprint paintings and a name chop for Dani. I also found some really COOL shoes for the girls, and I picked up a pink Jie Jie (big sister) shirt and super cool Panda Vest for Amelie. She has been wearing it non stop. The rain stopped and the girls had a chance to run around the island and we took a bunch of photos of the statues around the place. It looks so much like Louisiana on the Island. We had a quick lunch at Subway and then walked around some more until it was time to meet up with our group.
These paintings are awesome and I am glad I had a chance to buy more.
Dani is not a fan of group photos. Here she was just starting a massive tantrum that included some Rockette Kicks.
Amelie loves elephants.
Happy in the stroller with her new toy. Mike got all 3 girls some really cute frogs that are also musical instruments.
Eating makes this girl so happy.
After we left the island we headed back to the hotel and put the girls down for a nap. Once they woke up we headed downstairs to exchange some money and hunt down the indoor playroom. When we found it and opened the door Nadia squealed with delight and said, “I don’t care if it’s small!!!!” Her and Amelie were manic going around the room playing on stuff. They are so accustomed to playing outside for hours at a time creating their own made up worlds that all this hotel time has made them a little stir crazy.
After playtime and talking to another family in the playroom we met up with Jaime, Chris and Sawyer to head over to Pizza Hut for dinner. Mike and I decided that it was the worst service we had ever received in a sit down restaurant. And for China it was sort of a surprise since they usually have exemplary service. It got so extreme with us trying to flag down help that Jaime and I finally gave up and went to the 7-11 downstairs to buy drinks for the family. The staff didn’t seem to notice or care. Mike ordered a drink that never came and after I flagged down a few people we got a piece of cake to go for Jaime. I can’t help but laugh about it because it was like they had the most apathetic staff in China.
By the end of all that the girls were beat and we decided to skip showers and put them to bed since we had to be ready to roll early in the morning for the Consulate appointment.