A forgotten story

First – to those who have asked I will post the “who, what, where, when, how” for our China trip this weekend.

But I was thinking about the trip today and I thought about when we were coming home from China. We were in LA and our flight was delayed, delayed, delayed. We took up residence in this one area of the terminal and people were coming and going all around us as their flights left. At some point a Chinese couple and their teenage daughter sat across from us. She was staring at us for a long time and finally asked about Nadia. We answered all the usual questions and she translated for her parents. They were on their way to Texas to see her brother graduate. She made faces at Nadia watched her for a long time and finally asked if she could take a photo of Nadia. The whole thing was fascinating to her, but in a good way. On the plane they were seated a row behind us and she smiled and said things to Nadia off and on during the flight. I thought it was really sweet because she was so nice about the whole thing.

So I thought hmmmm how much of that are we going to get in China because we won’t be with a big group of other foreigners? Nadia and I will be out and about shopping and stuff and I will be the one sticking out. It’s going to be an adventure. Perhaps I am going to need a translated card for this time that says, “Last year we came to your country to adopt this child. This year we have returned to visit and learn more about China.” That probably a good plan since I don’t think I am going to learn enough fast enough to answer all those questions 🙂