There are games that never get old in a 2 year old’s world. Like covering their face and saying, “Where’s Nadia?” This would go on for hours if you would let her. Another game she likes to play is for me to pretend to be asleep on the floor and she gives me George to sleep with. Then once my eyes are closed she grabs George and runs to the chair or to Mike if he is home to protect her. I jump up and yell, “George, George, Who took George?” Nadia thinks this is hilarious and will usually toss him towards me to prevent me from tickling her. Then we start over.
Here is some of the action caught by Mike one night.
This is technically Mike’s 3rd Father’s Day since we had Nadia’s photo in 2007 🙂 We love you very much and think you are the best dad EVER!!!
Here we are about an hour north of Denver, CO on our spur of the moment road trip. We visited with the Petermans and it was so nice to share such a fun weekend with them. More photos to follow soon. (Nadia is showing off the rocks she found in the photo)
And because I love the comparison shots – Father’s Day 2008
Click the photo above to see all the photos from the trip.
I was thinking yesterday about a trip Laura and I took to Sausalito in June of 2007 that was a spur of the moment “girls trip”. It was so close to the adoption trip and all the other craziness of preparing to go to China that I never had the chance to blog about it. My sister Michelle came across the bay from San Francisco to join us and we had a blast. We stayed at the “Inn Above Tide” and had a great view overlooking the bay. (thanks for the recommendation Gina!)
Here was my absolute favorite thing about the hotel room. The bathtub overlooking the bay. I had a very nice bubble bath in the dark one night. It was so cool!
We ate great food and took the ferry over to Pier 39. I wanted to see the Sea Lions, but they were not out if full force. Kind of a disappointment, right?
I loved this sign.
And when we rode the Carousel which was fun – Nadia would have loved it 🙂
We went to Michelle’s apartment in little Chinatown. (who knew the smell of those shops was preparation for the China trip?)
We took a ride on a boat all around the bay. We got these giant strawberries and chocolate to dip them in. Laura and Michelle thought the funniest thing on the trip was the chocolate getting stuck in my hair and flying all over my face, but I kept eating and then cleaned up. Why fight the wind and the waves when you are enjoying good chocolate?
All in all we had a blast – eating and laughing and having a great time. We sat out on the deck day and night.
Today sweet Cynthia returned to work at the church. The staff had a little welcome back breakfast for her. It was 1 month ago today that she collapsed at the school while mentoring her KIDS HOPE kid. One month ago today that we thought she wasn’t going to make it through the night and if she did, would her brain be permanently damaged? The answer is no, God saw fit to let her stay here with us a little longer and for her to be okay. The medical staff that took care of her have virtually all stated that it is a rare thing to see someone live through what happen to her. And for her to have lived and be back at work and in her day to day life in one month is nothing short of miraculous.
Steve set off a popper with streamers and we all jumped and then started laughing.
To everyone who prayed for her and her family through this time, I thank you. And I encourage you to tell her story and how God protected her through everything. It overwhelms me to think that she is alive today because she was up at the school mentoring. She is alive because she was reaching out to her community and there were people there with medical training to help.