Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Boo at the Zoo Birthday

Our family tradition is to spend Nadia’s birthday at Boo at the Zoo and it’s always so much fun. This year is Amelie’s first Halloween and she really got excited about wearing her costume. Just like last year we were a big hit this year since we were all in costume. The big surprise to me was how excited the little girls were to see me as Strawberry Shortcake. I was asked to pose for photos with little girls and I really played it up, “Oh hello. I left my garden for the day to come to the zoo, but I brought one of my strawberries with me.” The little ones ate it up which was adorable!!
Amelie enjoying the toddler area.
Dancing with Amelie during the stage show. Nadia prefers to watch rather than participate in big group things like this.
This was the most fun part of the day. I saw the boy as Boba Fett and told Nadia, “It’s Boba Fett, get him.” She immediately pretended to force choke him. So he ran to the wagon and grabbed his blaster to point it at her and then Nadia flicked out her lightsaber. It was SO FUNNY!
After a nap and some rest we told Nadia that she could choose a place for dinner and she told us she wanted a burger or queso. So after naming some places we ended up at Fuddrucker’s. YUM! (She is so tired here, but still managed to finish off her cookie)