April 2011 photos
Here are some photos from the month that didn’t fit with any other blog posts. Click on the first photo to see the whole album.

Nadia and Reagan – BFF!
Easter basket goodies from Papa and Grandma Brooke.
Eileen and Clay came over to meet the girls.
Meeting new friends.
Look at my belly! (Amelie does this a lot and it’s hilarious)
The AWESOME clippie tree from Kim and her girls. We LOVE THIS!!!
The Michelin Man
When Nadia was about 2 1/2 she developed a fascination with the Michelin Man. For her 3rd birthday Mike was able to find a stuffed Michelin Man and Michelin Dog that we gave her at her birthday party. A few weeks ago I went out to run a few errands and I saw the Grand Opening of a motorcycle shop by our house and told Mike he should take Nadia for a surprise.
Happy Girl!
Then Nadia wanted to take a photo of Daddy. Good job, huh?
2011 Tulips & Daffodils
Ahhhhhhhhh! I am so happy with how my tulips and daffodils turned out this year. After last years coming up all kinds of crazy colors (they were not what the package said), this years made me smile every time I looked at them. I know their life is so short here in Texas, but there is something amazing about finally seeing them. God’s majesty in my front yard.
Look at the 2 tone daffodil bulbs I bought.
Happy, happy, happy!