China Travel 4 year reunion

This year we hosted the 5 Texas families from our travel group over the weekend of July 22nd. (we invited everyone else, but it didn’t work out. We saw the Hatcher’s in GA on our road trip, so we actually spent time with 6 families this year) That was our 4 year Gotcha Day anniversary and it was a delight to spend it with some of our travel mates. Michael, Lisa and Angelina stayed with us and we all had a great time. They came a day early so we hit the Fort Worth Science and History Museum in the morning. The girls had a blast! Check out the giant light bright.
That night we had everyone over for some pulled pork and other goodness. It was a relaxed time for the girls to play and get to know each other again. Click the photo below to see the album from that day.
The next day we met up at the zoo in the morning. It was BLAZING hot, but we had a great time. It delighted my heart to see the girls playing and having a great time together! Us parents are like the paparazzi with the kiddos. Now on to the photos!
We headed back in the afternoon for naps (or for some – shopping!) In the evening we met at the hotel for a pizza and pool party. The girls had a good time to play and the parents had more time to visit also.
It was a wonderful weekend and such fun to see how big the girls are getting! Thanks for joining us everyone. And to those who missed, we wished you could have been with us too.
New School Year Photos
Nadia thought this was fun and said, “I like your BIG LETTERS mommy.” Amelie didn’t have a clue, but she wanted to be in the middle of everything so I made her a sign too. FYI: tot school = fun times!